I have hockey tickets to see the Oilers season opener.
Unfortunately that joy has been tainted thanks to Ticketmaster.
It bothers me that Ticketmaster has a monopoly over vending tickets to all events, all of them. Because they have this monopoly, the company has made an executive decision that reasonable customer service is not a sufficiently compelling proposition to be implemented.
It bothers me even more that because of the lack of competition, Ticketmaster has decided that it is reasonable - nay, incumbent upon them - to levy both a service charge (and sometimes a convenience fee) on each and every ticket sold; they are not just charging per transaction and it sure isn't convenient.
I am even further irked by the fact that despite having purchased tickets nearly two weeks ago, I still have not received my tickets in the mail because Ticketmaster has reserved the right to wait.
Now usually my posts come in threes, but Ticketmaster has managed to outdo themselves. Despite the fact that I have not yet received my tickets, and despite the fact that Ticketmaster assessed exorbitant surcharges upon my original ticket price, and despite the inherent lack of helpfulness provided, Ticketmaster had the impudence and audacity to send me a customer satisfaction survey inquiring about my level of satisfaction with their delivery service.
In completely other news, apparently I have a vise, the actual details of its acquisition are still unclear . Sadly, it has apparently been tied up over the last year.
Unfortunately that joy has been tainted thanks to Ticketmaster.
It bothers me that Ticketmaster has a monopoly over vending tickets to all events, all of them. Because they have this monopoly, the company has made an executive decision that reasonable customer service is not a sufficiently compelling proposition to be implemented.
It bothers me even more that because of the lack of competition, Ticketmaster has decided that it is reasonable - nay, incumbent upon them - to levy both a service charge (and sometimes a convenience fee) on each and every ticket sold; they are not just charging per transaction and it sure isn't convenient.
I am even further irked by the fact that despite having purchased tickets nearly two weeks ago, I still have not received my tickets in the mail because Ticketmaster has reserved the right to wait.
Now usually my posts come in threes, but Ticketmaster has managed to outdo themselves. Despite the fact that I have not yet received my tickets, and despite the fact that Ticketmaster assessed exorbitant surcharges upon my original ticket price, and despite the inherent lack of helpfulness provided, Ticketmaster had the impudence and audacity to send me a customer satisfaction survey inquiring about my level of satisfaction with their delivery service.
In completely other news, apparently I have a vise, the actual details of its acquisition are still unclear . Sadly, it has apparently been tied up over the last year.