
Go West Young Man

This is a picture of an actual sign seen in Newfoundland (picture courtesy of Jen's friend).

I understand why a lot of individuals from Newfoundland make their way to Alberta - there is lots of work here, Air Canada now has direct flights to Fort McMurray, and they have a second home in case the Atlantic provinces are eaten by the sea because of global warming.

That said, I think that Alberta should buy Saskatchewan. Our oil is not going to last forever, and when it runs out, we can turn to one of the world's largest deposits of uranium and of potash. Alberta can continue it's resource-centred economy without diversifying. Also, then no one needs to rely solely on Air Canada for direct flights to get from home to work; one could just drive.

1 comment:

Lexy said...

Alberta, Saskatchewan and BC (and maybe the Yukon) should make their own country!!! Go separatism!