
Running for home

1 more final left.
There is something fundamentally unsatisfying about having 100% of one's grade determined by a three hour exam.
On my employment exam, I wrote a limerick. That was satisfying.

It occurs to me that if global warming pans out, it could fix the problems in the middle east. How can you fight over Israel if it's 70 degrees or filled with water?

Now back to my study cave.
They can be purchased at Wal-mart for an everyday low price. They're in aisle 5 next to tanks.
Some assembly required.


Anonymous said...

If Israel floods, wouldn't that be a quasi-Hamas win ("driven them into the ocean")?

Sadly, though, I think they'd keep fighting over 70 degree Israel.

- Mustafa Hirji

Anonymous said...

I would think that "driv[ing] into the ocean" implies activity (culpability?) on the part of Hamas. If Israel's submerged due to global warming, the only way Hamas could plausibly call it a win would be to be a major contributor to global warming....

Anonymous said...

They would no doubt chock it up to God having rewarded them for all their hard work/prayer/etc.

- Mustafa Hirji