
I made it around the sun again

Birthdays are rather odd ways at assessing the passing of one's life: "Ooh look at me, I made it around the sun again, let's celebrate!"

That said, there is nothing wrong with just celebrating. Even if it is celebrating at someone else's expense (what can I say, I'm a terrible person).

In related news, I learned that watching Jeopardy is useful. See Final Jeopardy answer the other day was about the only word in the English language that has the letter combination "gnt" appearing together in a row. It was in the news a lot in July 2004. I thought it was a neat piece of trivia. I was later talking to Nick Tam (a person who prides himself on his vocabulary prowess), and decided to test out my newly acquired knowledge.

It proved to be hours of amusement, and here is the conclusion for your entertainment. It also includes the question for the Jeopardy clue. Enjoy.

Edit: Nick did eventually figure out how many scrabble points it would be worth.

1 comment:

Erin said...

Happy belated Birthday.