
Once upon a bus-ride dreary

I made my best friend laugh today.

That is not a terribly remarkable feat in and of itself; the notable difference this time around was that I made her laugh by saying: "I've done my all my readings for my classes today; that's the third day in a row."
"That's cute. This will last until what? Next week?" quoth she.

Actually my readings are remarkably engaging (once one gets through the introductions and prefaces).

There are intriguing case names like the Montana Mule case, and interesting cases about spelunkers.

There are insightful summarizations like "one very simple formula of reasonable restraint that appeals alike to reasonable monkeys, wolves, gangsters, Salmon packers, and Roman emperors is the rule of first occupancy."

But perhaps the best part of my readings for the night was a reference to the case of Miner v CPR where the defendant mistakenly read the word "Bawlf" as "Banff" and put a corpse off at a wrong station.

Similarly, during a regrettably unforgettable field trip in grade 8, a classmate of mine made the exact same mistake. So instead of really seeing the mountains we saw Heisler. Followed by ice cream.

Has anyone else ever realized a trend of having ice cream after unpleasant experiences?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Re: the ice cream: oh yes. This was not a thing I did at home but that I have done, well, several times since being in Cambridge. Part of that might be that I have no other junk food (the ice cream was Dave's, but after I made inroads he relinquished it to me and let me buy him Ben and Jerry's instead of cheap no-name stuff to make up for my thievin' ways).